《臨床泌尿生殖癌》是世界上首屈一指的同行評審的,專門針對腫瘤的臨床腫瘤雜志,專門發表臨床相關的關于前列腺癌、尿癌和腎癌的檢測、診斷、預防和治療的文章。索引在index medicus/medline/pubmed、isi(當前內容/臨床醫學、科學引文索引擴展(科學網)、期刊引文報告)、embase、cinahl和化學文摘中。每一期的臨床泌尿生殖系統癌癥都有同行評審的原始貢獻,邀請全面的評論,以及當前的治療報告,以及每年主要腫瘤學會議的“會議要點”報告。同時也包括了最新新聞的簡要社論,以及為臨床醫生提供的有關泌尿生殖系統癌癥的最新話題。《臨床泌尿生殖癌》是一本同行評議的雜志,發表了描述泌尿生殖癌臨床和轉化研究各個方面的原創文章。臨床泌尿生殖癌是專門的文章檢測、診斷、預防和治療泌尿生殖癌。重點是與泌尿生殖系統惡性腫瘤有關的所有領域的最新科學發展。具體的關注領域包括臨床研究和機械方法;藥物敏感性和耐藥性;基因和反義治療;病理學、標志物和預后指標;化學預防策略;多模式治療;以及各種方法的整合。
Clinical Genitourinary Cancer is the world’s premier peer-reviewed, tumor-specific, clinical oncology journal devoted to publishing clinically relevant articles on detection, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of prostate, urinary, and renal cancers. Indexed in Index Medicus/Medline/Pubmed, ISI (Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Journal Citation Reports), EMBASE, CINAHL, and Chemical Abstracts. Each issue of Clinical Genitourinary Cancer features peer-reviewed original contributions, invited comprehensive reviews, and current treatment reports, as well as "Meeting Highlights" reports taken from major oncology meetings each year. Also included are brief editorials of current news and the latest topics concerning genitourinary cancer for the clinician.Clinical Genitourinary Cancer is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles describing various aspects of clinical and translational research in genitourinary cancers. Clinical Genitourinary Cancer is devoted to articles on detection, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of genitourinary cancers. The main emphasis is on recent scientific developments in all areas related to genitourinary malignancies. Specific areas of interest include clinical research and mechanistic approaches; drug sensitivity and resistance; gene and antisense therapy; pathology, markers, and prognostic indicators; chemoprevention strategies; multimodality therapy; and integration of various approaches.
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